Saturday, May 9, 2009

Russell saving ticks!

I was chatting with Laura and Russ (her boyfriend) last night (yes, they are back in California), and as I watched Russ try to gentley catch some flying bug to let it go outside, it reminded me of one of the WEIRDEST things I remember my brother Russ every doing. Rich's dog, Fanky, had a big, swollen tick on his belly. Russ carefully removed the tick using the "counterclockwise unscrew" method, and then took to tick outside to let it go, because it deserved to live. I vividly remember thinking he was crazy, and was just "too" something... Now, in hindsight, it's just another example of someone who genuinely cared about all living creatures... even blood-sucking ticks! Oh, this was probably the summer of 1972; why I can remember this, I'll never know.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Russ was a preserver of tics - and I rather imagine that he re- moved the same tic from Fanky more than once. This all preceded the illness from deer tics days. M-G

Anonymous said...

Funny you should so gracefully correct my spelling of tick... it didn't look right when I posted, but tic didn't look right either. Hmmmmmmmmmmm......

Anonymous said...

Well, since my spelling was incorrect, I feel that I have not been gracefully corrected! I did check the dictionary to be sure - and all I can say is that I can be sure I was wrong. A tick is a tick and a tic is a nervous type twitch. Let's hear it for Shellie!!!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious. Really.