Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thanks Russ...

I have been averted to posting anything here out of some sort of fear of not having anything to say that meets the caliber of who Russell was and what I have learned from him. This is utter nonsense.

I have always held him in the utmost regard, not only for his vast, synergistic knowledge, but for the moments (usually during hikes, of course) that he recognized my enthusiastic interest and indulged it. Unfortunately, like for everyone else I am sure, this becomes all too apparent after the fact. I just received a copy of some of his raw interview footage on DVD in the mail and was sincerely taken aback by how authentic his presence was, even rendered through time and media.

Without getting too sappy, as the time for this has passed (and I cry too easily, it turns out!) Russell is truly an inspiration for me in multiple aspects of life. It is all too easy for over used words and phrases to be construed as such, but this entire experience has been a vivid illustration of what is really important in this life. I hope that someday I might attain half the existence and accomplishment that Russell has shown me and everyone else. Thank you.

I'll see y'all on the trail...
Cheers, Ian Baker

1 comment:

Janet said...

Thank you so much for posting on here, Ian! It really means a lot to me to hear your thoughts... thank you!